Monday, February 16, 2009

Cell Diagnostics Images, Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Allelopathy

Cell Diagnostics Images, Biophysical and Biochemical Processes in Allelopathy

V.V. Roshchina
S.S. Narwal

Product Details
Hardcover: 203 pages
Publisher: Science Publishers; 1st edition (June 30, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1578085101
ISBN-13: 978-1578085101

Allelopathy is newly emerging multidisciplinary field of agricultural research. A lot of allelopathy research work has been done in various fields of agriculture and plant sciences. However, standard methods are not being used by workers due to lack of a compendium on the techniques, and hence the results obtained are not easily comparable with each other. This causes problems to researchers working in underdeveloped/third world countries in small towns, where library and research facilities are not available. Therefore, to make available the standard methods for conducting allelopathy research work, this multi-volume book has been planned, with one volume each for each discipline. In all the conferences held since 1990’s a need has always been felt for a manual on allelopathy research methods. This book series aims to provide basic information about various methods to research workers, so that they can conduct research independently without the requirement of sophisticated equipments. The methods have been described in a simple way just like a DO IT YOURSELF book.

This book will serve as ready reference in the laboratory or class room and help to solve many problems of cell studies in agriculture and allied fields including allelopathy. Information provided can be use to determine the effects and mechanism of action of allelochemicals at the cellular levels. It will be useful for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing allelopathic work, plant physiologists, biochemists and other plant science specialists. We have tried to provide appropriate solutions to the problems of cell studies. The users of this book can select suitable methods, according to the available facilities.

List of Contributors
Section 1 Cellular Model Systems
1. Allelopathy and Plant Cell Diagnostics
2. Cellular Models as Biosensors
3. Microalgae for Determing the Effects of Allelochemicals
4. Bryophytes to Test Allelochemicals in vitro
Section 2 New Methods of Microscopy in Cellular Diagnostics
5. Microscopic Methods to Study Morpho-cytological Events during the Seed Germination 53
6. Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Coherence Microscopy to Monitor Water Absorption 71
7. Optical Coherence Microscopy: Study of Plant Secretory Structures
8. Laser-scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM): Study of Plant Secretory Cell 93
9. Luminescent Cell Analysis in Allelopathy 103
Section 3 Methods of Analytical Biochemistry and Biophysics
10. Biochemical Approach to Study Oxidative Damage in Plants Exposed to Allelochemical Stress: A Case Study
11. Cholinesterase Activity as a Biosensor Reaction for Natural Allelochemicals: Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals
12. Methods to Study Effect of Allelochemicals on Algae Membrane Integrity 147
13. Total Phenolics and Phenolic Acids in Plants and Soils 155
14. Computational Methods to Study Properties of
15. Allelochemicals and Modelling of Molecular Interactions in Allelopathy 169
15. Allelopathic Pollen: Isolating the Allelopathic Effects



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